Monday, April 30, 2012

Golan Heights

I wasn't able to take pictures, but after we attempted to see the Syrian border alone, we met soldiers who took us into the militarized zone and showed us both the Israeli border and the Syrian border. There is a buffer zone in between, which is covered with landmines previously planted by Israel. They told us that Syrians will often find landmines and throw them back to the Israeli side. In the middle of talking to them they were called to investigate an explosion that had just occurred less than a mile away.

This area is completely abandoned, but there are still remnants of both the Six-Day War and the Yom Kippur war in 1973

Anti-tank barrier

Israeli military base on the the border of Syria

As close as civilians can get to the Syrian border

The Golan-all of this is beautiful farmland, but essentially unusable, because it is covered with landmines

Abandoned mosque in the middle of the Golan

Towns in the Golan near the Dead Sea

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